Friday, October 18, 2024

Guidelines for Accepting Sponsorships

 I was recently approached by a company offering to sponsor a project of mine in exchange for a blog post about their services.  This is something entirely new to me, as I'm a fairly small maker with a likewise small social media footprint, so it's not something I've ever really thought about before.  I know that a lot of people in the communities that I frequent often view sponsorships in a negative light, and I can feel somewhat cynical about them as well, but I think that within well-defined guidelines, it is entirely possible to accept sponsorships without compromising the value of your reputation, so before I move forward with this deal, and in anticipation that the opportunity might arise again in the future, I think it's probably best for me to lay out exactly what those guidelines are for me personally:

  • First and foremost, I have no interest in reviewing products or being sponsored by companies whose products I do not actually use.  I'm not qualified to speak about something that I don't actually know, and I won't put my reputation behind something if I can't actually speak from experience.
  • A sponsorship is not an endorsement.  I won't review a product that I don't use, but that doesn't mean that the exact item or company behind the sponsorship is the one I'm personally most likely to choose.  I will strive to be fair and objective in any commentary I make, and that may include criticism where I feel it is deserved.
  • As a rule, I maintain 100% full editorial control over any post I make.  I would rather turn down an offer of money than give up control of my voice.  I do not and will not read or copy pre-written talking points.  Broad suggestions of general topics are fine, but my words are my own, full stop.
  • The only exception I will make to the previous point is that I will accept feedback in case of factual errors that need to be corrected.  If that case does occur, any correction that may be made will still be fully under my control, and my words will still be my own.
  • I support original creators and refuse to do business with companies that thrive off of stolen designs and products.
  • I categorically refuse to accept sponsorships from mobile gaming companies, particularly those who engage in predatory pay-to-win strategies, gacha mechanics, or other dark patterns designed to extract maximum recurring revenue from players.